Monday, May 16, 2022

 Days like this are rare. The weather is absolutely perfect. It is 69 degrees outside with only a slight breeze. The sky is perfectly blue and cloud free. I’m sitting here in the Sunporch watching the black birds decimate my feeder, (who invited them?) and this is the only day this week that I have nothing on my calendar for the next seven days. And guess who gets to sit ion his basement and write. I’m very tempted to take my lap top and go sit under a tree to do my writing. But that would not only be a hassle to set up but would also be too much of a distraction because I’d be sitting there looking around and not get a thing done. So, “Yes, master, I’ll return to the dungeon.” LOL

We had a good services yesterday at each church. There were a lot of folks missing I think due to the planting season. Or, maybe they were just out and about and taking advantage of a beautiful day. I don’t know. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m not much different than a restaurant owner; don’t worry about the customers that aren’t there, — just feed the ones that do show the best meal you know how to prepare. 

After my late service yesterday the ladies of the church had their annual Mother/Daughter gathering. \\They used to be called Mother/ Daughter Banquets and would be held at night with a program and games and speaker. But, the younger generation has assumed responsibility for the program and yesterday was a “luncheon”. At least they haven’t let the program die out. I remember when churches had one or more different groups of ladies and men’s groups. But today’s society are no longer “joiners” and programs like that have died out across the spectrum. —- Anyway, I decided that I was going to go have lunch at one of our favorite places there in Ft. Branch. But — I got there and it was absolutely packed; no place to park and a line out the door. My suspicion is that since it is high school and college graduation time that there were probably large groups have it celebration parties. So, I went around the corner to the next place and viola’ it was the same way. So, I went to Dairy Queen and had a hamburger basket with a small sundae. I probably saved myself $10. After I picked up Ms. Kate we went home and it was Sunday nap time, (always a favorite around here). 

Yesterday evening I actually took time to watch a movie on my television. I don’t know the last time I have done that. I sometimes turn the TV on when I’m down there working and will maybe stop and watch a certain show for a half hour or an hour, but to purposely sit and watch a movie is rare. BUt — that of course meant that I wasn’t getting the work done that I needed to do so after the movie I got busy. I finished up about 0130 but completed my service for this coming Sunday as well as creating the slides for the screen. Today, I start on my service and message for the 29th of May. It will be a Memorial Day themed service and message. That sounds like it should be fairly easy to prepare but I’m sure I’ll find someway to make it difficult. 

Having said that — it is time to get on to my task of the day. This is Monday and God has given you and me a brand new week. Make the best of it. Peace. 

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