Saturday, May 14, 2022

 I’m stiff and sore this morning from doing a lot more outside work yesterday than I intended to. But, you know how it is. One thing always seems to led to another and suddenly you are at a point where it is a struggle to go back in the house. That was mu yesterday. But, the yard looks good, the trimming looks good. The garden looks good and i have to new very large flower pots established and Wave Petunias planted in them. I tried something different with the new pots. I saw a post that someone had put on Facebook about adding nutrients into the soil. So I filled the pots half way and then I put a half dozen raw expired eggs in each one and cracked the shells, The video that I had seen showed a guy planting his tomatoes and he put a raw egg in the bottom of the hole. The y show the difference between the tomato with the egg and the tomato without out the egg and there was a remarked difference. So —- I reckon we will see what happens. I told Ms. Kate that I was planting chicken seeds so we could raise baby chicks. She said something about me being a “dork”. I wonder what she meant. 

So today, I’m planning to remove the two azaleas in one of my back flower beds. It really aggravates me that I need to do that. Here’s a long story, — kept long. About three years ago we got a notice from the water / sewer department that they were going to be replacing the sewer lines that run between the houses at the rear of our property. They said that we (everyone) had to make sure that the easement was clear of fencing and bushes etc. They said that if we didn’t do it ourselves they would do it but would not replace anything that was on the actual easement. Former owners of our place had put up a white picket fence at the edge of the property which was inside of the easement. I had since rebuilt it because it was rotting and I built it in the same place. Ms. kate and I decided that if the city had to removed the fence, —- okay. But we knew they would not replace or replant shrubs. So I hired a guy @ $500.00 to move those two large azalea bushes. They have since died. So, today, I’m going to cut them back and dig them up. Lots of wasted money and  wasted energy but it needs to be done. Fortunately, they aren’t planted all that deep and once I get them cut back they will be much easier to dig up —- I hope. 

The writing is going slow on my sermon for next week. The theme for the church is Rural Life Sunday which one would thing would be fairly simple to write; — but, not so much. I keep getting off on rabbit trails and having to reign myself back in to a central thought. 

So, that’s it for this beautiful; Saturday morning. It is 10:00 am and the temp is already at 84. Gonna be a hot one today. Have a blessed weekend. Peace. 

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