Thursday, May 5, 2022

 Cinco deMayo; a day when people decide they have a little bit of Mexican blood in them and celebrate that by drinking Margaritas. I remember a a grade-school kid we would  have to participate in some sort of Pan-American Day program and do the Mexican Hat Dance. I don’t know id they still do things like that or not. Probably someone finds it offensive so maybe they don’t do that anymore. But, it was fun at the time. 

Yesterday was a busy day. Ms. Kate had a doctor’s appointment to try to find out what is causing her to feel bad all the time. The took chest xrays and did blood work. She got her results back through the Deaconess My Chart system, but that’s like handing a symphony to someone that doesn’t read music. The chart reads several things that are really out of whack but we don’t know what that means. Hopefully the Nurse Practitioner will call her today and tell her something. 

After we finished at the doctor’s office we went to Denny’s for some breakfast or brunch. Then I got ready to go do some parishioner visitation then go to the churches and run my bulletins and that was followed by doing a pre-marital counseling session. I have a young couple getting married on May 21st. They are a really nice couple; both are 22 years old and have been dating for seven years. They both have steady jobs and are so “down to earth” with their hopes and dreams. I think they will do just fine. 

Today I have a parishioner that is having surgery on her shoulder and arm. She took a bad fall several weeks ago and is just now to the point where they can do something about the broken arm. \It was broken in three places. She’s going to be in for some tough rehab. I don’t envy her at all. So, I’ll go and sit with her  for a bit before the surgery and do prayer with her.  Then I have to get home and get busy on finishing up the sermon I’m working on for the 15th. I have it half done, or at least I think I do. I never know what the end product will look like until I type “Amen”. 

It is supposed to rain and maybe storm today, tonight and tomorrow. That’s not good news for us with a roof leak. I still haven’t heard from my contractor. I called them again yesterday but they are really busy. Hello springtime. 

That’s it. I have things to do. Have a wonderful day. Peace. 


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