Wednesday, September 8, 2021

 Well, God did it again! Another day of beautiful sunshine and a little cooler temperatures. Fall is quietly walking up the path and will be descending upon us very shortly. Then it will be time for long sleeves and sweatshirts. All of the pumpkin spice people will be delighted. I don’t know how pumpkin spice became all the rage but it sure haas. I’m not a big fan of pumpkin in the first place. I’ll eat a piece of pumpkin pie but there are a lot of other pies out there that I would eat first. As for pumpkin spice —- I don’t think I have ever had it because I’m not big on spices either. To each his own as folks say. You be you and I’ll be me. 

It’s Wednesday and that of course means that it is bulletin running day. That will use up an hour of time and then we’ll go to Wayne’s Appliance to see if we can arrange for a new dish washer. I told you that ours bit the bullet a few weeks ago but we never got around to buying a new one. We use paper plates around here most of the time and therefore doing dishes by hand has not been a big deal. But it’s time to go get a new one. Hopefully Wayne’s will have one. I like doing business with them because they are locally owned and we have always gotten good service with them. However, the last time we went to look at an appliance from them, the guy was rude. He didn’t even get up from his desk\. I know their supply was really low at the time  because of COVID and shipment problems, but that doesn’t excuse rudeness. We’ll see how it goes today. We’ll be wanting a Kitchen Aid to replace our Kitchen Aid. Ms. Kate and I are proponents of that brand. 

I filled the Buffet up again yesterday and I have a lot of visitors this morning. Unfortunately a bunch of them are the starlings who are running rough-shod over the rest until the Bluejay comes in and pecks them away. But prior to the starlings, I had probably a dozen cardinals out there. The hummingbirds are still here although I suspect that after this filling, I won’t be filling them up anymore. The little dudes will be moving on to warmer climate soon. 

This coming Saturday Ms. kate and I will be heading up to the church to help assemble bicycles for our mission project. Then, next Saturday, the 18th we will meet again to give out the bikes to some needy kids. I think both days are going to be fun days. I’m really hoping that the 18th and 19th are going to be beautiful days. The 19th we intend to set up a couple of tents for folks to picnic lunch under for our celebration. So, you might ask for a beautiful day along with me. So far, the long range predictions show a good day but that’s not all that reliable Anything beyond three days is pretty much an educated guess. 

Time for me to get cleaned up and start my day. I hope your day will be filled with goodness. Peace. 

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