Monday, November 23, 2020

 A happy and wonderful Monday to you. I have my lady home from the hospital. I brought her home about 1600 hours yesterday afternoon. We stopped on the way and dropped off her prescriptions at Walgreens and I took her home, got her settled in, and then went back and picked up her meds. She doze on and off and I woke her at 1900 and had her get up and come watch television so she would sleep through the night. 

We both slept like logs last night. I think just the sheer relief of having her home let us both relax for the first time in well over a week. All praise goes to God. She is weak but is getting around the house pretty well. I brought in a walker for her but she gets back and forth pretty well with out it. Her joy this morning was a shower and washing her hair. She has sat in her chair for a good portion of the day but I did make her get up and come to the kitchen table so we could put together a weeks worth of her pills. I don’t know how she keeps up with all of that. She wanted me to try to gather them together for her but I knew that it was an activity that we could do together and would be be good home OT for her. 

I’m waiting for the plumber to call here and come fix the minor problem that I have. I almost feel embarrassed having a plumber have to fix it but heck, he won’t care —- he’ll get paid. At least I can say I tried to fix it. I hate plumbing and electrical problems because I am so inadequate at fixing either. 

The wind blew over one of my new bird feeder poles. I thought maybe an animal had pulled it over but the food , although spilled, was untouched. The ground was saturated from rain and the wind has been really kicking the past couple of days, so it doesn’t really surprise me. I got my on-line order from Wild Birds yesterday. I want the ground to dry out a bit and then I will fill feeders and of course, put the pole and feeders back up. There is always something to do. 

Wednesday afternoon we are going to meet at the church and record the service for Sunday. I have a lot of work to to to stay up with all of that. But I can manage it. It is almost impossible to believe that Christmas is only 32 days from now. We have addressed a card, we haven’t bought a single gift, we haven’t put up a single decoration and I suspect none of those things are gong to get done. Gosh, I hope 2021 is a better year. 

Have a great day my friends. May God bring you peace and comfort. 

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