Thursday, November 19, 2020

 What can I say except; “All glory and power and praise to God above”. I am writing to you today from outside of the grip of COVID and have declared myself “well”. I declare myself well because there’s no one else to do it. 

You know, I went in to this thing, not knowing I had it, not knowing where I got it, not knowing what to expect, not knowing how to treat it. All I knew was that suddenly, I felt like I had been run over by a truck! And my friends —- I know what that feels like because back in 1977 I in fact did get run over by a truck and drug for a block; but that is another story for a different time. So, I told Kate, I thought I better get tested, made an appointment, and went. My results of course came back positive. At the same time, Kate was also being infected, maybe by me, but her symptoms were totally different than mine. In fact I couldn’t tell what her symptoms were, she was just totally tire and exhausted all the time. I’m fix things for her to eat and she wouldn’t eat because she wasn’t hungry. Her only description was that she didn’t feel well. 

We tried the “My Chart” route to find out what and how to treat this thing and we talked to nurses that we love and everything said there is no treatment, just treat your symptoms. I could do that with ibuprofen and Mucenex. But I still didn’t know how to help Kate and she still wasn’t eating. All of this started on the 6th of November. Little did we know how critical Kate was becoming By this past Saturday night, early Sunday morning, Kate had passed out in the bathroom and it took us two and a half hours to get her back into the bed. Even then she was still refusing “outside help”. Sunday morning, she passed out again when she trie to get out of bed. I called 911 and she has been in the hospital since; first the COVID unit an then the Cardiac Care unit where they are working to get her heart rate back down to where it needs to be. 

Welcome to today. I am totally symptom free and have been for three days. I have taken myself out of quarantine and in fact I went to the hospital this morning and dropped off a bag of stuff for Ms. Kate. Except for being tired, which I understand will linger for awhile, I am fine. Ms. Kate sounds much, much stronger when I talk to her. 

So again, all I can do is give all praise to God. The amount of prayers that have flowed our way is humbling and overwhelming. God bless you all an thank you so very much. 


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