Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday night, 2230 hours, and I’m just getting around to stopping long enough to jot a few notes.   We’ve had a busy day and tomorrow will be even busier. Tomorrow is the annual car show, or Cruse In for Christ as we call it. We were up early today so I could go out to the church and help move stuff around and set up for the prize tables and the Chinese Auction. The cars will start coming in to the church yard by 0830 in the morning so we will be up and at it early again tomorrow. After I finished up at the church, I went back home and then picked up Ms. Kate and we went out for schrooms and beer with Bob and Brenda. We always have a great visit with them.

From there we had to go out to Sam’s to pick up some stuff for Ms. Kate to make desserts for tomorrow’s bake sale.. Then, back home where we rested for a bit and then I had to go to the store to get stuff that we had neglected to pick up earlier. I came back Naomi and we made two loaves of apple bread and a Texas cake for tomorrow. They have now cooled and we just finished cutting it all into pieces and and plated and wrapped the individual pieces for sale tomorrow. So, we are a bit bushed, —— but I’m also full from “sampling” the product. Well ——- we wouldn’t want to sell bad product.

Tomorrow, when we get back home I need to go over my sermon for Sunday and I still need to put together a pastoral prayer for Sunday. This has been a very busy week and by tomorrow afternoonwe will indeed be ready for a nap. BUt, I also need to work on my end of the month report and make sure everything is in order for October 7th worship and Homecoming Sunday at the church. Pastor Art leaves on vacation Sunday so I have it all. I don’t know whay that sounds lke a big deal to me. I had it all for 12 and a half years at my last parish. So a couple of weeks is no big deal. I think I have gotten spoiled, and frankly, so has Art. We like sharing the duties.

That’s it for tonight. I may not see you until Monday. But now, I’m settleing into my recliner with my  Gaither Gospel music and letting the peace of the world flow in and prepare me for bed. Have a good night. Have a blessed weekend. Peace.

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