Thursday, August 3, 2017

And a good Thursday morning to you. Boy, these weeks seem to really fly by don't they? It's hard to believe that we are coming up on the end of another week already; and this day is almost half over because I'm late getting started on stuff today. For no particular reason --- I've just been "doing stuff".

I had my nocturnal visitors last night again. They are the "midnight crew" because that is about the time they show up. I was sitting in the sunporch reading and heard a noise on the roof and figured that I would be seeing the raccoon fairly soon. It uses my halo use roof as a cut through by climbing the dogwood trees out front and then running across the roof and then climbing down the pussy willow tree. Sure enough, pretty soon I could see the feeders swinging in the pussy willow tree. I walked over to the door and there he was, about five feet from me at eye level, munching away. I stood and watched him for awhile and then I knocked on the door. It just looked at me and went back to eating. Ms. Kate came out and brought a flashlight and we opened the door and tried to shoo it away. Then we saw that "Stinker" was also in the back yard over under a different feeder eating away.  I turned on the yard light and Stinker took off but  the coon, not impressed at all, finally climbed down the tree and took off. About ten minutes later I saw the feeders further out in the yard swinging and it had moved over to them. That's when I took the BB gun to it and ran it off.

This morning the starlings came in 'en force. I've begun too refer to them as the "Speckeled Gang". They stayed and ate for awhile but then moved on. Now it is just the cardinals and the finches and the woodpeckers.

Ms. Kate and I were bored with television last night so we did a back-to-back Star Wars movie binge. We watched "Rogue One" and the "Star Wars -- The Force Awkens". We had gone to see them when they were released in the theaters but wanted to watch them again. Summer television programming gives us all time to see movies and read books. One can only watch so much HGTV and people either buying homes or remodeling homes. And as funny as the program is, we've about memorized all of the "Big Bang Theory" shows because we have seen them so many times.

We need to go to Walmart today, or so Ms. Kate says.  This afternoon we are looking at the possibility of strong storms so I guess we better get ready and go do whatever shopping we need to do. It is already cloudier than it was this morning.

I hope you are having a really good day. If it hasn't been a good day so far, please stop and take stock in your day and look for all of the things that have gone right so far. It is there that will hopefully begin to see God's blessings emerge. Build on that; and may the rest of your day continue to be fully blessed. Peace.

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