Monday, November 20, 2023

 Happy new week. And it is Thanksgiving week. I assume everyone has their turkey and it it was frozen, you put it in the refrigerator yesterday to thaw. That was the plan in our house; —- however —— we cancelled Thanksgiving here. We will still be in quarantine. 

I’m on my last day of pills and quarantine but unfortunately, Kate has it full blown. We tested her again yesterday and she got a positive for COVID report. So, she sent a message through My Chart to her doctor right away and we are waiting on a response this morning from them. I suspect they will prescribe Paxlovid for her just like they did for me. Although she has so many reactions to different medicines, they may do something else for her. Anyway — we are quarantined through Friday around here. I texted Julie and told her to not come over. We don’t need her or Jim getting COVID. I think they neither one have had it yet. As I told her, the turkey won’t get any bigger or any more dead by the time we have it. We can have turkey for Christmas or New Year’s Day to celebrate my first day of retirement. 

I hope I never do anything that will land me in jail!  That’s a really random statement but let me explain myself. Because of COVID, I’m quarantined in a wonderful home, very comfortable furniture, all of the creature comforts. I can go to the refrigerator and get want I want, I can have my coffee or whatever when I want. I have th love of my life sharing this home with me.  I have all of the world to communicate with through television, multiple computers and phones. I can go outside or in my garage, or in my fully finished/furnished basement, and yet —— because I’m in quarantine and can’t go anywhere; I feel like a prisoner in my own home and don’t know what to do with myself. Imagine being in a 8X10 jail cell with bunk beds and a steel sink and toilet and a cellmate and that is all. Amazing what our minds do to us. 

Today is our middle daughter’s 53rd birthday. All I will say about her is that she is a wonderful human being and the world is so much better with her being in it. Happy birthday Heather. 

That’s it for today. This is ‘Thanksgiving week”. Make the most of that thought and be thankful for your life full of blessings. Peace. 

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