Saturday, November 25, 2023

 Good morning on this 31 degree sunny morning. The “feels-lie” is a brisk 28 degrees but the wind is light so that would help, —- if I actually even thought about going outside this morning, which I have not. 

 I saw a picture last night of the going home traffic on Wednesday evening on the Los Angeles “I-405 & I-10”. It was at a creeping pace, bumper to bumper, ten lanes wide with loud lane on ramps and exits. I’m so glad I don’t live out there. I wish my daughter and her family didn’t. But, at least Heather and John are moving out of CA next year when she retires. They have already built their retirement home in Star, Idaho.  The grandkids will probably never move out of California because it is all they know. They are in their mid 20’s, they are successful in their jobs and life is grand. Kate and I lived in that rat-race area for a couple of years when I was stationed at March Air Force Base. That is in Riverside, CA and is on the outskirts of all the horrible traffic but anywhere you go in southern CA it is the same way. I’m glad to be here in the country roads of southern Indiana where our definition of a traffic jam is getting behind a combine going from field to field down the road. 

The neighbor across the street took down his “blow-up” Thanksgiving decorations yesterday. They had replaced his yard full of Halloween blow-ups. Now we all get to listen to his “pigs” oinking Jingle Bells 24 hours a day through Christmas. (Just shoot me now!!!) I guess he thinks it is all attractive, and at night when it is lit up it does attract some attention; but it isn’t for me. I personally think it all look trashy. But, no one asked me if I like it or not. 

Today is Ms. Kate’s last day of taking her COVID medications. She still isn’t doing all that well. She has zero energy, and sleeps all the time. She doesn’t have any of the Covid symptoms except for a cough, and that isn’t the “bad cough” that she was having.  Think she has been sick for so long, and has been through so much that her over-all system is just depleted. It worries me a lot. I already know she won’t be going to church tomorrow. 

That’s it for this Saturday morning. I pray you will have a great weekend. Peace. 

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