Wednesday, June 22, 2022

 There’s nothing much new on my horizon this morning to talk about. The sun is shining brightly and not a cloud in the sky; —- and it is hot already. It is another one of those “keep yourself inside” days for those of us with lung and or breathing problems. 

I had planned on going to the churches today and running the bulletins but since the weather is not conducive to my breathing, I’ll stay home. I don’t know if tomorrow is going to be any better but I do have an appointment tomorrow morning to have my Prius serviced at the dealer at 0800 and we will go up to the churches after that. It doesn’t take all that long to run the bulletins, especially since we are having only one service that combines the congregations. I love our summer schedule. 

We did go to the funeral that I told you about and it was the strangest funeral that I have witnessed. There was nothing wrong with it, but it was certainly different from anything that I am used to. We arrived and there was only the widow, one son with his wife and child, and a cousin that was there, as well as someone from th funeral home. The man had been cremated and the wake had already been held. The urn container was on a table beside the hole that it was going to be out in and the few people were just standing around talking under the shade tree. Pretty soon, here came the cemetery crew and they pulled up beside the grave, didn’t say a word to any of us; and before we realized it, they had put the urn container in the hole and was starting to fill it back in. We all walked over and watched them do that until they had completely filled it in, put the sod back and tamped it all down. Then they picked up their tools and drove away. Still no one had said anything. The family just started talking again and I finally asked if there had not been a pastor involved in this process and they said “no”. So, I asked if I could at least say some words and a prayer, and the widow agreed. It was so very strange to me. I guess that is what un-churched folks do; I don’t know. I thought it was very sad and it must be really hard when “dead, — is just dead”. 

Any way, it is time for me to head down to my office and start writing. Have yourself a wonderful day. May God bring you Peace. 

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