Thursday, January 6, 2022

 Well, well, well; just look at that white stuff falling from the sky. It’s 19 degrees, going up to 22 and then falling to 7 tonight. That ought to kill the mosquito larvae and that can’t be a bad thing. It is a very light snow with tiny flakes and won’t probably amount to more than an inch, maybe an inch and a half. This ends by 1500 today and then tomorrow we have 25 degrees and Saturday 45 so, it isn’t a big deal. 

What is a big deal is that Ms. Kate and I are getting better. We went for our doctor’s appointment yesterday afternoon. They ran COVID and Flu A and Flu B and RSV (what ever that is) tests and all came back negative. We suspected as much. Then they ran chest X-rays on us too. As suspected, we have what I call,  “Lungs full of junk”. Mine is worse of course because of my asthma. But Kate has it too. Dr. Macleod put us on identical treatments; Azithromycin and Prednisone  for five days. We took our first doses right away yesterday evening and I have to say, we both feel so much better. I had a great night’s sleep and Kate had the best sleep she has had in several days. There’s a bright light at the end of the tunnel. I had actually started getting worse again because the junk in there was just continue in to build. So thank you very much Jessica Macleod. And —- thank all of you who have been saying a a prayer for us and sending warm wishes. 

I’m having my bagel and creamed cheese as well as my third cup of coffee and a glass of egg nog. I hadn’t planned to have the egg nog but I didn’t want it to expire and go bad. I don’t know, but I suspect that there isn’t any more egg nog on the shelves because it is such a seasonal item. I don’t know why that is. It’s kind of like Spumoni ice cream. You can only get it at Christmas time. I don’t know what one has to do with the other. I guess I could research that a little but —- nah, not worth the trouble. It will just have to remain one of life’s deep dark secrets. I have a lot of things in that category. 

I have a couple of veery happy wrens on the feeder just on the other side of my kitchen window. This feeder is just a bit hidden from all of the others and is in the front of the house. It sits kind of in an azalea bush. The wrens and the cardinals seem to have kept the secret to themselves. In the backyard at the Buffet, of course the starlings and blackbirds are being bullies. All it takes is one snowflake and here they come. Needless to say, the electric birdbath is a popular place. At 19 degrees, there isn’t a lot of fresh water out there unless you want to eat snow. 

Today, I’m going to spend downstairs writing and try to get ahead. I guess Ms. Kate and I could take down the Christmas tree, but I unplugged it, no body goes in there, and frankly, it doesn’t bother me one bit. I’ll just wait until it starts to bother her!!! LOLOL. The one on the sunporch may not get taken down. I’ll just take the ornaments off of it  and let it set there. It lights up the sunporch for a few hours in the evening and she want to put other seasonal ornament on it. Getting old and lazy does have its benefits. 

That’s it for today. Stay warm, if it is snowing at your place, stay inside and let the idiots have the roadways. Peace, my friends. 

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