Tuesday, January 18, 2022

 The snow is still on the ground but not on the sidewalks or streets. The temperature is 28 degrees so there is little wonder that the snow has stuck around. However, today we are supposed to hit 50 degrees so that will take care of the snow until tomorrow afternoon when we are supposed to get snow and rain again. That should mess up the evening commute tomorrow. I’m glad I don’t have to go up to the churches to run the bulletins or anything like that while that is happening. But, we keep getting these little tastes of winter weather. I’ll take a taste instead of a bowl full any day. 

I’m not very “newsy” this morning nor do I have any soap boxes to jump on. It’s just a beautiful day and I intend to keep it that way. My jobs for today are to fill bird feeders, go do some grocery shopping at the Neighborhood Walmart, maybe gas up the car (all two gallon of it), get my suitcase out and start planning what I’m going to take to wear on our vacation, take a good nap, and maybe do a little writing. That should encompass my day pretty well. However, out of all of those things, the run to Walmart and filling bird feeders are the two most important. 

Yes, I know we are way late but I finally took down the living room Christmas tree yesterday. I had taken all of the ornaments off of the trees a couple of weeks ago and unplugged the tree. But, I was in no hurry to take it apart and carry it down stairs. \Yesterday I got the urge and took care of it. One of the advantages of being old is you can do or not do stuff on your own schedule. No body ever comes to your house and sees it still up, so, what’s the hurry? For that matter, why put one up in the first place??? Well the answer to that question is obvious —- cause Ms. Kate said so. 

That’s it. Y’all have a totally blessed day. Peace. 

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