Saturday, December 2, 2017

Happy sunny Saturday! The cardinals are busy this morning already. They are the early bird but not looking for a worm. They are looking for a good perch at the feeder. So far their only competition has been a couple of finches. The woodpeckers have either been at a suet feeder or the bark butter feeders so the sunflower seed feeders are wide open to first come -first served.

I’m not sure what is on the agenda for today. I don’t think we have to leave the house although Ms. Kate did say we needed to pick up a couple of gifts for the family yet. Other than that, we should be maybe doing last minute laundry to pack for our vacation. I need to check the weather at our destination location so I’ll know what to pack, although I think we might be doing some geocaching with the grandkids out in the desert and it get rather chilly out in the desert this time of the year. The wind will cut right through you. I had never considered that until I spent time out in the desert around Las Vegas in the winter time. Part of my responsibility when I was stationed at Nellis AFB, in Las Vegas area was to run the Desert Warfare Center for Security Forces. We trained Security Forces personnel on how to conduct warfare in that environment. One of the florist things we always told. The troops to pack was their long underwear and winter gear. When they didn’t listen, they quickly learned and had to make an expensive trip to Military Clothing Sales. Of course in the summer it was really confusing because it might get to 110 during the day and then the night desert air would really chill you to the bone.

I’ve just about finished my latest book, “Glory Days” by Max Lucado. Yesterday we went to the Vinyard, a Bible book store and I picked up two more Lucado books. I had a gift card from there and decided to use it. My unread stack is piling up. I’m three behind on Stephen King and I know that Julie has already bought me his latest for Christmas; and now I have these two new Lucado books. But talk about opposite ends of the spectrum for reading —- one writes sci-Ft/horror and the other writes faith and inspiration. What can I say; I’m a complicated guy. I think I’ll throw in Stephen King to read on the plane. It is vacation after-all.

I think that is it for today. God is great. Beer is good, and people are crazy. I hope you have a most pleasant and Spirit filled weekend. See ya’ in church!!

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