Wednesday, February 18, 2015

To plow, or not to plow that is the question! There is a fresh layer of fluffy stuff on the ground this morning and it is 18° . A slight breeze is blowing so that means the "real feel" temp will be lower. But, considering that this is the high for the day, I guess I will get dressed and get things cleaned off. Besides, I have bird feeders to fill again today, although, I can see that there still a lot of food out there.

Yesterday I decided to go ahead and clean the snow off of the street just so people could get all the way up this hill we live on. I have a certain way that I approach doing that job to make it easier to turn around etc and not get stuck. I had plowed my pattern and most of the street when --- ta-daaa, --- over the top of the hill came the county truck and snow plow. He made two passes on our street. So, I could have saved myself and my little JD a lot of work had I known. I think that in the thirteen years I have lived here, that might be only the second time we have ever had a snow plow come through. But, I'm grateful. So, I went on ahead and cleaned off neighbor Dan's sidewalk and two other neighbor's driveways for them. The temperature was a bit warmer, the sun was shining and I wasn't near as cold as I had been the day before. So, essentially, Yes, I was having fun.

Today is Ash Wednesday. Because of the weather, almost all of the churches have cancelled their worship services for tonight. This coming weekend doesn't sound much more promising. Predictions are for rain, freezing rain, sleet, and ending with maybe more snow. With all of that, --- we are still so much better off than the northeast part of the country who won't see the ground for a couple of months yet. This of course brings out the nay sayers arguing that global warming is a myth and a political ploy for something. But, from everything scientific I have read; global warming is what is causing the extremes in our weather with stronger storms, colder winters farther south, and hotter and dryer summers.

Hmmmm! How did I get from Ash Wednesday to global warming?  Rambling minds do get to see a lot of scenery.

Ms. Kate and I did go out and do our grocery shopping yesterday afternoon. The grocery list was getting long and the roads were clear enough, and Walmart was about to declare bankruptcy if we didn't get there soon. I'm glad to say that they are in good shape again and the economy is in good shape. What did we not buy--- milk and bread, the snow storm staples. We did get ice cream though.

It is time to refill the coffee cup, get dressed and go out the door. Despite the cold, God has given us an absolutely beautiful brilliant blue morning. I must go take advantage of it. Be careful out there if you are having to shovel or travel in this kind of weather. Don't shovel yourself into a heart attack or a broken hip or worse. Have yourself a most blessed day. God loves you and so do I.

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