Another bright, blue, sunny and semi-warm morning. We’re having small gusts of wind coming through and it is doing a great job of removing the leaves from the fire bushes. I hope it is also helping remove the leaves from the Bradford Pear tree in the neighbor’s yard. That tree sits on the very edge of his yard and is huge. In fact I’ve never seen a Bradford that big. But it seems to take all winter for the leaves to come off of it.
We did get a few of the things on our “to-do” list accomplished. I got the flowerbed along thefront walk cleaned up and the dead azealia gut back. I didn’t dig it out because I want to see if in the spring it might come back. Stranger things have happened. The one next to it has also mostly died off and I’ll need to cut it back too but I ran out of garbage can space for this week. I can’t imagine why they have died.
Today Ms. Kate and I need to go through the things that she has bought for the different family members and make sure we are on track. Next week we are heading off to the west coast and will be celebrating our Christmas and gift exchange with Heather and her family. I know some of the things Ms. Kate bought but most of it I don’t. And we also need to make sure the rest of the family is covered. By the time we get back we’ll be within ten days or so of Christmas.
The second thing we need to do is go put winter flower decorations on the family graves. We bought the stuff yesterday and again, —- we’re pressed for time. I still haven’t filled my bird feeders although they are having no problem finding something to eat out there. It is just that their “favorite” feeders are empty. There is enough spilled seed on the ground that I could let the feeders stand empty for a month and there would still be plenty to eat. But that is on the list of things to do today too.
I also need to try again to find some suction cups to put on my windows out front to hang my wreaths from. I went to Walmart and to Dollar General yesterday and could not find any. So, we’ll try another couple of places while we are out decorating the graves.
We had the neatest surprise last night. Our grandson Jon called just to talk. He’s 16, almost 17 and a really good kid. His question and reason for calling was to know what kind of facial hair I grew because he thinks he wants to grow some facial hair and he had heard that it was determined by genetics. I told him he’s in bad shape from my line. The best he can hope for is sketchy. But, what a neat thing it was for him to call. It warmed our hearts.
I think it is time for me to get on out into God’s most beautiful day and go ahead and feed my birds. The hanging wire on one of their favorites broke last night so I need to do a repair job. I hope you take some time out from your day to give thanks again for your blessings. I have a whole new set of things to be thankful for today that I will discuss at a later day. So, —- be joyful in your heart and kind to all of those around you. Peace.
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