Thursday, July 27, 2023

 The trash pickup came by so it must be Thursday. I can generally count on the clunk and bang of the truck picking the cans up to wake me. 

It was a good thing though because I had planned to get up earlier this morning and water my garden. My tomatoes are really putting on fruit now. One of the problems I am having is that the tomatoes are too heavy for the plants and I keep having tomatoes fall off on the ground. I have brought several of them in and they eventually ripen here on the counter. Some of my plants have just done nothing. The heat has been a killer so far. Today it is supposed to go to 95 degrees and tomorrow we are predicted to get 100 degree ambient, which will easily drive the feels like up to 110. As you know, we certainly aren’t the only ones, the whole world seems to be going through this. Luckily, the power grid is holding up very well. 

So, we will stay inside mostly again today. I do need to go to Walgreens and pick up a prescription for Ms. Kate. While I’m there I better get a couple cases of Dasani for her too. I should maybe buy stock in that company, as much as she drinks it. Hmmmm, I wonder —-. 

When i went out this morning, it was really comfortable. The temperature was still right at 80 and there was a really nice breeze blowing. Sitting there in the shade, watering the garden, listening to the birds was actually quite pleasant. Neighbor Dan was out sitting on his porch too this morning. he does that when the  morning temperatures are great. His porch faces the west so the sun is to his back. Sometimes he’ll sit there and smoke a cigar. His wife won’t let him smoke one in the house, and I don’t blame her. He doesn’t smoke them very often. That is something I’m so very thankful for —- that Ms. Kate and I quit smoking a long time ago. We both quit back in 1988; —- wow! That was 35 years ago. That is hard to believe. We quit because there was just so much pressure coming from Air Force senior leadership for people to quit. And being in a command position, it was important that I be an example. I am so glad that we made that decision. I wasn’t an asthmatic at the time but I can’t imagine what my heath would be like today if I still smoked. And as much heart trouble as Kate has had —- we, we might both be dead by now. One never knows. 

One that happy note, I need to get cleaned up and get my running around done. Have a wonderful day. May God grant you peace. 

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