Monday, July 24, 2023

 Welcome to the last week of July. Bet that snuck  up on ya didn’t it? Seven months of the year is all but gone. 

How was your weekend? We had a good one; was kept busy all weekend doing “stuff”. Nothing major but did get some chores done and had some fun too. Yesterday was a busy day. Of course, being Sunday we start off with church. We had a fairly full church although folks are trying to get in that last “summer vacation” before school starts. The schools up in Gibson County start on August 8th. Man, — I remember that school didn’t start until the day after Labor Day when I was a kid. We actually “had a summer”. But then maybe our summers seemed longer because our summers were not crowded with constant going places and having summer activities. Our summers were filled with summer chores like gardening, yard mowing, and when you were done, you played outside. And — if you lived out in the country —- your closest friend and person to play with was your own imagination. I see families and kids on Facebook that are always “on the go” and being entertained. Families I know send their kids to two or three “church camps, band camps, and then when they are home the kids are taken to every manner of entertainment or trip. The kids don’t get the chance to just sit under a shade tree, relax, gather “roly polys” or sit and catch or watch lightening bugs. In my “old fart opinion”, they are missing out on the good stuff. 

After church yesterday, Ms. Kate and I drove out to Creek Melon market and picked up a couple of cantaloupes and a watermelon. Then we went way back the other way to Newburgh and visited with Kate’s sister, Karen. From there, we went home, had lunch, took a very short nap and then back up to the church for Bible Study. That was followed by a trip to Cold Stone Creamery. I subscribe to their birthday club and get a coupon for a free “BOGO” ice cream. I certainly don’t want to miss out on that. Then I came home and did some “bulletin work” before hitting the bed. 

Today, I have a couple of parishioner visitations to do first thing. So, it is going to be another busy day. Having said that, I better hit the shower and get my day in gear. Have a wonderful week. Peace. 

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