Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Happy Mid-week. It is a breezy 45 degrees out yonder and the sun isn’t quite making it through the clouds to warm it up much. The nights are getting a little more chilly and there wasmention of wide spread frost before week’s end. That of course means re-arranging the sunporch so we can bring in the potted plants. I don’t like doing that because it makes the sunporch look so crowded but it is necessary if we want to keep them. I don’t want to lose my little orange tree tat I brought back from Florida. And we have the geranium that we have been babying for a decade cause it blooms year around. We have cut down on the number of plants we bring in though. At one time we used to put a Christmas tree out here too but I think we have added a chair or two out here or something because we certainly can’t put a Christmas Tree out here now. I love our home and it is a large home, about 3000 sq. Ft. Of livable space; but it is wall to wall full of furniture from dead relatives. Some of it is from Ms. Kate’s family, some of it is from mine. The sad thing is that when we pass, I doubt seriously that our kids are going to want it because they all have established home and no room to put our stuff. I read an article on day called “No one wants Grandma’s China” and it talked about that very thing. But, we could furnish a couple of homes with what we have around here.  

I have a lot of company at the buffet today. Yesterday afternoon I threw out most of a loaf of bread and today the finches and sparrows are having a field day grabbing little pieces and flying away and then flying right back again. It looks like a very active runway out there this morning. The cardinals have been busy flying in and out of here today too. There has been a steady half a dozen doing touch and go maneuvers chasing one another around. The downy woodpeckers are busy having suet for breakfast. I think the bark butter feeders may all be empty. In fact, I have a bunch of feeders that need filling again today. I was noticing too that the goldfinches have now lost all of their summer yellow and have turned a dull color for the winter. 

My tulip poplars are about 65% done dropping their leaves. When the sun does shine, it brightens up my back yard a lot more.  I may get on the roof today and walk the edges with my blower to clean out the gutters and clean off the sunporch roof. The way the wind has been blowing I was hoping that I’d get “nature’s help” but, it looks like I have to go do it myself. The silly part is that I have to get on a ladder to get my other ladder down from where it hangs in the garage. 

I did finally get to my class yesterday and it was everything I expected it to be. At least the instructor comes right out and says that they hold this for insurance reasons. That doesn’t make it anymore interesting, just more honest. 

Time for me to throw on my jeans and get busy being productive. I hope your day goes well and now your work week is half over. May the second half be your best half! Peace.

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