Saturday, August 3, 2024

 And the days just keep rolling by. August 3rd already. It is supposed to be a “typical early August day” according to the weather reporter last night; hot (90 degrees) and humid, but not as bad as it has been the past week. We have had thunderstorm every day this week. Parts of the area got hit by an EF-1 tornado a couple of days ago. We had a lot of wind and torrential rain during that storm. I had a bunch of smaller limbs down in the yard. I got those cleaned up but since then we have had more wind and rain so I have to go clean up again. Yesterday I managed to get the front yard mowed and the week eating and some weeds pulled in between the rain showers. I will probably go out and mow the back yard today. I also need to fill all of the bird feeders. I have purposely not been feeding them because I was only attracting a large flock of starlings and squirrels. So, I was determined to let them clean it all out and leave before I refilled them. Plus, I didn’t want to put new food out just to have it soaked with rain. We are not anticipating any rain now for the next week. 

The doctor’s appointments just keep coming. This coming Thursday Kate has to go in for yet another Cardioversion. I think this will be her sixth and we really hope this one will “take” since they have front-loaded her with her new medication. They took her off of Coumadin and have put her on Eloquis. So, we are looking forward to this appointment with great expectations. If we can remember what “normal” is — it will be nice to return to it. 

We finished up the last three peaches we had. I had bought a half bushel last week. From that I got three pies and several days of “snacking” on peaches. Peaches are my all time favorite fruit, but I think I have gotten peached out buy now. But they have been delicious. Yesterday we had a cantaloupe that was the best one we have had this season. Today I will cut up a watermelon for snacking later. Summertime brings such a bounty of good fresh stuff to eat. We grow a lot of cantaloupes and melons in this area and they are so very good. 

My former parish had a trial sermon last week for a new pastor and they and he have come to an agreement. He will start in mid-October so I’m told. I am thrilled for the parish and I hope he is exactly what they need to lead these two churches for a long time. The folks up there are such great people and they deserve the best that God will send. I’m anxious to go up and hear him later this year. He is from a different denomination but if he is bringing God’s word, that shouldn’t matter. I wish them only the best. 

I guess that is it for today. I pray you will have a blessed weekend. Peace. 

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