Saturday, August 17, 2024

A glorious Saturday to you. It is another hot and miserable day. It is currently 12:30 pm and the temperature is 92 degrees with a “feels like” of 100 degrees. It’s another day to keep one’s butt in the house if at all possible. 

Yesterday was a good day. Ms. Kate and I went up to Nashville, Indiana because she was wanting to look for a new “whirly-gig” for the yard to replace the one that got smashed this spring by the tree. Unfortunately they didn’t have one at the place we had gone before. So, we went to a local place and had lunch before heading back to Evansville. On the way home we stopped at Gasthoff Village bakery in Washington, Indiana and picked up an Angel Food cake, some Snickerdoodle cookies, and some homemade Amish noodles. All in all ——- it was a great day. The drive was pleasant, and I am thrilled that Ms. Kate is doing so well that she wants to do day trips and start traveling again. 

I need to water my garden this evening at sundown. It has been three weeks since we have had a good rain and we’re not really looking at any rain for maybe another week. I think the time of year that we don’t have to mow for a couple of weeks has finally arrived. Next week though is projected to be a really nice weather week and I’m looking forward to it. I have a lot of yard work that needs to be done and the temperatures and humidity levels are supposed to be really favorable. Maybe I can actually get out there and do some pop it without it being during a heat advisory. 

Did I tell you that Ms. Kate and I paid off the mortgage to the house this week? I. Know, y’all have probably had your house paid of for years but for her and I, —- this is the first time we have ever done that. In our 58 years of marriage we have bought three different houses. However, we sold two of them long before they were paid off. The rest of our lives we spent living military housing. So this is an extremely big deal to us. We bought this I house in 2001 when I retired . I expected I would be 90 before it was paid off. So, congratulations to us.  

I think that is all for today, not very exciting is it. LOL. Have a blessed weekend. Peace. 

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