Saturday, August 10, 2024

 Good morning and happy Saturday to you. It is a perfect weather morning. I think it is 65 degrees out there right now and the sun is shining with no breeze. I should be out pulling some weeds or mowing the front yard, Instead I’m siting at my kitchen table writing a blog entry and having another cup of coffee. See, I can make good decisions. LOL

It is only going up to the mid seventies today so anytime I go out will be a good time. There is a wren sitting on a feeder pole just outside of my kitchen and it is singing its little heart out. Yesterday I was out side doing some yard work and I had a hummingbird either singing to me or fussing at me for being there, I’m not sure which. I prefer to think it was saying thank you for filling up its feeder. Actually, it had already done that when as I was just finishing up filling it and putting my stuff away, it came up and hovered right in front of my face for a few seconds. It was pretty neat. 

Ms. Kate had her Cardioversion open Thursday morning. Unfortunately, she has not had the results that we had expected or at least hoped for. When we left, her BP was low as was her heart rate. They told her that could be expected but she was to call them yesterday morning and let them know what her rates were. Well, yesterday morning they were still very low so she called them. She was to to eliminate one of her medications until further notice. She is right back to having zero energy and unable to walk from the kitchen to the bathroom or the bed room without stopping at least once and she has to use her cane constantly. Theoretically she should have come out of the procedure feeling full of energy and somewhat lively. But —— that didn’t happen, so I guess we will see how taking her off of the Matoporal (SP?) will help the situation. She doesn’t seem to be any better this morning but se won’t be able to be able to talk to her doctor until Monday. That should be sufficient time to see what is happening. She has appointments with both her Urologist and Cardiologist on Wednesday. If things have not improved, I’m afraid they are going to try to set her up with a cordio-ablation and I do not want to see her have to go through yet another hospital stay or medical procedure. But, what ever it takes to keep her live and get her healthy. Please keep her (and me) in your prayers. 

I reckon that’s about all I have for today. Tomorrow is a day of worship and I hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to  give thanks for another week full of blessings. You know, with all of the things we have going on with Ms. Kate, I am still fully grateful to God that she is beside me everyday. Take a few moments of your time to stop and worship the God who provides us life and love. Peace. 

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