Monday, August 26, 2024

 Happy new week. It’s now noon and I went out and put the water bill payment in the mailbox. It is miserable out there. The heat hit me and I was instantly ready to go back inside. The new neighbors across the street have a few guys out there putting a new roof on their house. This would be a terrible day to be up on a roof. It looks like they are putting the new on on top of the old one. I’ve lived here in my house for 23 years and they have not put a new roof on in all of those years. I suspect that is the original roof. So, it won’t hurt to put a second layer on. But I still wouldn’t want to be up there. 

We had a good weekend around here. We didn’t do a lot. Friday Ms. Kate had a followup visit with her electro cardiologist and got a clean report from her. Has to go back in six months. And believe it or not, (because I can’t) we have no doctor’s visits for the next two weeks. (Knock on wood) It has been forever since we had that. And — she only has one doctor’s visit for the month of September scheduled. All praise to our mighty God for the healing that is going on in her body. 

I went out and watered my tomato’s and zinnias at dusk last evening. We are on our third week with no rain. That is extremely unusual. I think the least time was in 1988. The forecast says that we MIGHT get some showers this coming weekend. But, that means that we have hit the “no need to mow” season. I’m not mad about that. 

I still haven’t met the new neighbors across the street. And the neighbor next door to the north is still getting their stuff out of the house. They have a sale pending sign in the yard but I understand there is a lot of work to be done on the house before the sale can go through. But that’s just gossip so far. I wish them good luck with their sale. They are nice people. 

That’s it for today. Have a blessed week. Peace. 


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