Friday, July 22, 2022

 It’s Friday, or is it Fryday? It’s coming up on 1100 and it is 85 degrees with a “feels-like” of 97 right now. The ambient is supposed to go to 97 today and the “feels-like” up to 110. As the local car dealer says; — “It’s hot, Don”!

I started my morning off by getting my outside work done first thing while it was still cool enough to breathe. I got the plants watered, the yard mowed, and the bird baths cleaned up. They birds go through a lot of water during the summer, especially the blackbirds. They spend a lot of time taking their baths and they splash a lot of water out. Then of course they poop in their bird bath and I have to clean it out again. They are a pain in the butt to deal with. However, God made them too so I do my due diligence and take care of them too. 

This morning I had a Pileated Woodpecker visit the Backyard Buffet. It has been quite a while since one came through. It didn’t stay very long. Just grabbed a bite or two and took off again. I knew he was in the area because they announce their arrival in an area with their call. I’ve told you before how much I enjoy seeing them. 

Yesterday we went to the church and ran the bulletins and went over the hymns with the organist. Our regular player is on vacation and we have another parishioner filling in who also a very talented player. She is also the choir director for  St. Lucas. I’m very happy that St. Lucas is going to try to make a go of the choir again. COVID shut us down and we never got going again. That happened to so many choirs because some “expert” said we shouldn’t sing because it spreads the virus faster. I don’t know if that was fact or fiction. Of course this was the same people that said we should shut down the churches so they basically ruined worship experience for millions of Americans. The only good thing is that one. Of my churches got a matching-grant to buy and install video technology and we had a very capable parishioner that knew how to do it. Just proves to me that God’s people want to spread The Word; —- God will help them find a way to do so. After we finished at the church, we ran to Creek Farms and picked up a couple of cantaloupe and a couple of watermelon. I fixed one of the cantaloupe this morning after I came in from mowing the yard. They are delicious.

Julie and Jim are coming over for a turn-around trip tomorrow. Jim did the caulking in my shower last week but didn’t have the right tool to finish it up. So, they are coming over, he’ll do that and we’ll celebrate my birthday and they will head home to their pups.

Beyond that, I’m sitting here waiting on a friend to drop by with some corn on the cob. He brings us some every year and we really appreciate him sharing his crop with us. Some times he’ll just drop off a couple of dozen and sometimes he brings enough for us to put some up to freeze. 

That’s it for today. Stay inside if you can, and don’t get out in this oppressive heat. Peace. 

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