Thursday, September 5, 2024

 Happy Thursday , September 5th.. It has been a lovely week so far. We started off with some really nice weather and no today we are back to heat and humidity. Tomorrow we are predicted to maybe have some rain and we certainly could use it. Although, as far as I’m concerned, the growing season is over. Yesterday I pulled up six of my nine tomato plants. The other three are hanging on by a thread. They have a couple of small green tomatoes on them and I want to give them a chance to mature and ripen. There are no blooms on the plants anymore so what I see is what I’ll get. 

Yesterday I filled bird feeders once again and cleaned up the bird baths. They were pretty rank. One was completely dry and the eater had some water in it but it was filthy with leaves and bird crap in it. The birds don’t seem to care how dirty the water may be. They drink it, bathe in it, poop in it and play in it. Obviously it doesn’t affect them nor can they taste it. 

Ms. kate and I went to get haircuts today. I go to her hairdresser. She does a good job and costs the same as if I went to a barber. And it keeps me from driving across town. She always books us back to back to it works out well. Unlike my garden, my hair seems to have entered the “growing season”. I had my hair cut three weeks ago and by the next week it was already touching my ears and I hate that.  

Ms. Kate is doing very, very well. Her medicine changes etc have really helped her. We’re actually getting to go places now. No doubt in my mind that God has made it all possible and all of the prayers for her during the last two years have worked. I getting ready to run to the pharmacy to pick up some medicine for her in a few moments. Maybe I’ll reward myself with a Dairy Queen on the way back home. 

I fixed breakfast this morning fr a champagne. Kate has gotten back to cooking most of the meals but I decided I wanted to make a couple of sausage patties and some scrambled eggs so I offered to do the cooking. Kate didn’t want sausage, (she’s not really a fan) but she like my scrambled eggs so she went with that. 

Time to get in traffic and head to the pharmacy before the close. Have a blessed day. Peace. 

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