Wednesday, September 18, 2024

 Happy Wednesday afternoon. It’s 2:15 pm and I’m being lazy and not going out in the 91 degree heat and 47% humidity. I certainly have enough work to do out there but it can wait. Maybe I’ll go out after the sun gets a bit lower and do a couple of things. I have to go out to take the trash out and get the garbage cans down to the street. 

This morning Ms. Kate and I went to out to our church. I needed to fill the new flag holder stands with sand. Kate and I bought some new ones because the old ones looked so bad. The new ones are made of plastic, (what isn’t these days) and you have to fill them for stability. The old one were a solid brass and were heavy as heck. But they were so old and so dull that Kate and I thought they dishonored the flags. So, with permission from the council, we bought new ones. They really look great. 

Tomorrow morning at 0830 I have a dental appointment to build a new molar on my left lower jaw. I broke a large piece of it off last week and this was as early as I could get in to my dentist. Fortunately there has been zero pain involved with the the tooth and I have been able to eat most anything. Although my right jaw is tired of doing all the work. It will be nice to have a full mouth of teeth again. 

This weekend, we are heading to Giant City State park in southern Illinois. I have put together a cousin’s reunion at lunch time at the lodge. There are so many of the extended generation that I don’t know and I only have five “first cousins” left on the Heumann side of the family. It’s important that we stay in contact.  On my mother’s side of the family, I only have three “first cousins left. The older you get, the more you lose. I’m the senior member on the Heumann side and I have a cousin , Jeanne, that is the oldest on my Mother’s side. 

That’s enough for today. Have a great day my friends. Peace

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