Tuesday, September 10, 2024

 Happy Tuesday. It’s a cool morning and I love those kind. The sun is shining so the day is gonna be an okay day. 

The second pot of coffee is brewing. For some reason Ms. Kate has suddenly taken to drinking more than one cup of coffee, I think it is the new flavored creamer I bought her. But, once or twice a week we might go through two or maybe even three pots a day. I can drink coffee all day long and it doesn’t bother me in the least. Most folks I talk to say they cut off their coffee at noon or it keeps them awake. I’ve never had that problem. (I tell Kate it’s because I keep a clean conscience.) 

I worked outside yesterday for about three and a half hours. Spent all of it in the back yard working. There is so much to do. I need to get back out there today and work in another area. I also need to fill the bird baths. They are dry. And we aren’t looking for rain until at least Friday. I see the squirrels have knocked over the electric bird bath again. At least I’m assuming it was them. They get easier to tip when they are almost empty. I bought a new electrified bird bath but it didn’t come with a tall stand. So, I called Brenda and asked her if they would bring me a log from their woods that they are cleaning up. I wanted one two feet high by 18 inches in diameter to sit the new bird bath in. They brought it over Sunday afternoon and it is one heavy piece of wood. One side of it os level and the other side is not so I need to excavate around it a bit to make it level. I also have mounted the frame to the log in a semi permanent manner so the critters can’t drag it off. The stuff I go through to keep the Backyard Buffet up and running. I only plug in the bird baths after the weather gets to a point of freezing. I’m not running a year around spa for them. 

I broke off the back half of a molar last night. Luckily there is no pain involved because I can’t get in to my dentist until the 19th of the month. I don’t know if it is going to cost me a new crown or what. 

Today, I have to take Ms. Kate in for an ECG again. Her hearty rhythm has been running over 118 for a couple of weeks again. She says she feels okay but it is troubling just the same. So, the doctor wants to make sure she isn’t in AFIB again. Hopefully not because the next plan of attack was to be an ablation. We don’t want to start through all of that stuff again.

That’s it for today. Have a great week.  Peace. 

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