Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 Well it has been another minute since my last entry of course. I don’t apologize for that; life does keep a person busy.

Ms. Kate is doing fairly well. She is snack in AFIB again. We think the medication change is helping some but time will tell. We have to take her in for another cardioversion on the 8th of August. They will take her in and shock her heart again to put it back in rhythm. The thought is that with the medicine change and the procedure, it should work this time. We pray it does. Until then, we just handle things one day at a time. 

We have been out and about some in the past few days. I don’t know if I told you but we bought a “rollater” for Kate so she can get around better. But so far we’ve only been place where I go in so she hasn’t used it. She could have used it at church Sunday but didn’t; I personally think it was an “image issue” for her. 

Today we went to Posey County to the peach orchard and pick up three “half peck” boxes of peaches. We had gone last Saturday and picked up some and they are gone. She says she wants to make a “peach buckle” which I understand is much like a cobbler. Anything that is like a cobbler has my interest. This Saturday we are celebrating my 80th birthday with a small invite party. I asked Kate if we could do a “coastal shrimp-boil”. I told her I would even do the cooking. We will have Julie and Jim and Karen here and I have asked Brenda and Andy to join us. Brenda’s mom, Georgia Ann, share this day as a birthday and we always celebrated it. So, the thing is that a shrimp boil is all inclusive meaning that you don’t really need anything else beyond the main dish. But, Kate says she want maybe make a dessert. I had originally thought that we would make a freezer of ice cream but then we said that it would maybe not go well with seafood  and a few beers. We’ll see what happens. 

This Sunday I am playing a trumpet solo for church. I don’t know why I put stuff on my plate like this. So, I have been having to try to get my lip and lungs in condition enough to get through the song. This morning our organist came to the house and we collaborated on the song and it sounded good. With luck, it will all go well come Sunday. 

I spent a lot of time in the yard yesterday and this afternoon. I was getting rid of all of the random saplings that continually grow in my flowerbeds. It is a never ending battle. And I mowed my front yard and Dan’s front yard this afternoon. 

That’s it for today. Have a wonderful rest of your week. Peace. 

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