Monday, July 8, 2024

Good morning on this July 8th. It is 80 degree this morning which would be very pleasant were not the humidity about the same as the temperature. Yuk. I have to water my tomatoes this morning. We are maybe getting some rain this evening but probably not until tomorrow evening. I was out there this morning to do something for the neighbor and saw a couple of piles of deer poop by my plants. But, I didn’t see any nibbles from the plants. Bambi needs to stay out of my garden. 

My squash are done with. I guess I will go ahead and pull up those plants. Maybe I can think of something to plant in there yet. I also need to do some weeding in my raised beds. My zinnias are blooming as are my marigolds. That makes me happy as it is the first time I have raised either. But the weeds are covering up the zinnia blooms. My tomatoes are doing a good job of producing so I am declaring my gardening a success for 2024. The only thing that did not do well was my asparagus. It produced very little. But my sister-in-law said that her’s didn’t do well this year either. Maybe it was a bad year for asparagus. I don’t know. I’m not going to worry bout it. 

Kate had a bad weekend. I had hoped that when we came home from the hospital she would be a lot better on the new meds and she was —— for about a day and a half. I don’t know if it is the medicine change or what;  but she has been totally lethargic all weekend. She can’t keep her eyes open and yet she’s not sleeping either. But, she had a really good night’s sleep last night so I’m hopeful tat this is turning around. We have an appointment tomorrow with her FNP. We’ll see what she has to say. We were supposed to go on another vacation in mid-August for a reunion of my military buddies and their families. But, I have cancelled that because I just can’t trust traveling with Kate because I never know from one day to the next what her health status is going to be. I pray this is not defying he rest of our life. 

That’s it for today. Have a great week. Peace. 

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