It is Monday isn’t it? I’m never sure anymore. Our weeks get so convoluted with appointments here and there. This morning our AC company came for their annual service on the air conditioner. Unfortunately I had to have a new capacitor put in. I have had that part repaired two or three times over the 16 year life of the system but it was time to actually replace it. If that goes out, ya’ got no AC. So that took up a couple of hours of the morning. This afternoon we have the Home Health nurse coming for Kate. In the meantime, — it’s laundry day.
I actually did “in person” worship yesterday. Kate didn’t go but she watched on TV. This was my first time since February 14th and it really felt great to get back in a pew. Recliner church works and it is te same service, but the closeness of being with a congregation just makes it all different.
Yesterday afternoon I got the plants from the sunporch put back out for the summer. With all of the change that has happened in my backyard, and now moving the plants out of the sunporch —— it is a different view for sure form my seat. I got the feeders and feeder poles all put back up and the Backyard Buffet is at full capacity. My birds and squirrels are all happy again. Yesterday we had our first Grosbeak fly in and feed. He is just the first of several that migrate through my yard twice each year. They will be here for a couple of weeks and then move on to wherever their destination takes them. I still have not had a hummingbird come in although some folks have the already. What I do have though is an abundance of Goldfinches. We ave maybe a dozen that constantly come to the feeders and they are so brilliantly yellow this year. I love watching them.
Tomorrow Kate has an appointment at the beauty shop and then Wednesday we have another appointment with the surgeon. No dull moments around here.
That’s it for today. I need to work on a sermon that I have coming up on the 19th of May and I also need to get my trumpet out of the case and start playing it again. I volunteered to do a trumpet solo at church on the 21st of July and it is going to take me that long to get my lip and lungs in shape enough to do it. I don’t know why I volunteer for this stuff. I’m just a glutton for self torture I reckon.
Have a blessed day. Peace.