Friday, August 5, 2022

 It isn’t raining this morning, at least not yet. But we are in an unsettled weather pattern for the next several days. It rained pretty well last night or at least during the early morning hours. I got up for a necessity run around 0330 and it was pouring. I noting this morning that it knocked down the “Magic Lilies” or as we call them — Naked ladies. I hate to see that. They looked so nice standing out there all alone looking all pretty and pink. 

This has been a busy week for me. I spent the best part of two days out in the back yard cleaning up limbs from storm damage. I have one limb left to cut up. It isn’t terribly big but it will take a little effort. I filled eight of my 40 lb sacks with cut up limbs and debris. I always save my bird-seed bags just for doing that. They are string bags and will hold a lot of stuff if I do it right. I had already filled most of my trash can with debris and limbs from the wind and storm last week. Now, the city is offering to let people bring their debris out to a certain location and they will dispose of it. That’s what I’m going to do with these rest of this. I have a neighbor two doors down that has a huge pile of stuff because he lost a really big limb off of one of his trees. I’ll ask him if he wants to put it in the bed of my truck and go with me to haul it to the dump site. Gotta be a good neighbor you know. 

I’ve also spent a good deal of time doing visitation with one of my parishioner families. Today they will be moving him from the the hospital back to the facility he was in but in the hospice portion.  I hate this for the family and I pray though that he doesn’t linger too much longer. So often people do that and I can never understand God’s purpose in that. If there is a blessing, at least he isn’t in any pain and sleeps 97% of the day. He will most likely pass peacefully in his sleep. I think that is what most of us pray for, for ourselves. I have begun working on his funeral. He’s just a really nice guy who would do anything to help anybody. But, his wife passed five and a half years ago and he’s been mourning her ever since and looking forward to making this journey to meet her. Given his condition, I wouldn’t want to deny him that and rejoice with him. 

Ms. Kate has some shopping to do today so I reckon we are on our way to the Dollar Tree to pick up stuff for her card making. I don’t mind as long as there will be breakfast involved at some point. I could handle a pancake or two this morning. And —- we have to stop at a grocery store and pick up some Pillsbury Pie crusts. We bought a bunch of peaches to make pies yesterday and we need (she needs) to get started on that. 

Have a wonderful day. Stay safe and \take time to give God praise today. Peace. 

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