Well Ms. Tuesday, aren't you just a bright ray of sunshine and cooler tempertures? It is nice to see a coule of dry days in a row. It's nice to se the birds looking and sounding more cheerful instead of sitting with their feathers all ruffled up and trying to keep dry.
I don't have much for you this morning; no words of wisdom or witticisms. Today will just be mundane and I'll go for my infusion and then lay around waiting on healing to happen. y yard needs mowing, my flower beds are a mess, my garage is a mess and I am so far behind in doing all of the work around here that I need to do. It is a bit overwhelming, but it is what it is. I gotta heal.
Ms. Kate had a really bad day yesterday. It was one of those days where nothing goes right. She had two things that she wanted to fix for super and nothig turned out like she wanted them to. They were however, --- delicious. BUt it frustrated her beyond words. Here's hoping today will be much better.
That's all I have for you. If you could see me right now, I have my lap top going and am writing this on it. I have my IPad going next to it and am holding a conversation on FB Messenger on it. and I have my IPhone and Ms, Kate's IPhone next to those things and am amswering messeges on them. Gotta quit.
God's pace to each and everyone of you.
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