Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 I’m here just twiddling my thumbs until it is time to take Kate to her hair appointment. She only is going for a wash and set and haircut. It takes about 45 minutes. While she is in there I will run to Walgreens and pick up her prescription then go back to the salon and wait. After that we plan to go to the new “Nellies North” restaurant that is on the way home and have some brunch. 

Today is an excessive heat day, I will keep my butt inside to the maximum extent possible. No way do either I or Kate need to be out working in the yard or much of anything else. We may run up to the farm market between Owensville and Princeton and get some corn and maybe some other veggies. Then I’d like to run into Princeton and drop off a Walmart bag full of bottle caps for recycle. It takes us about a year to collect enough to take up there. 99% of it is caps from Kate’s water bottles. She goes through a lot of bottles of Desani. It is amazing how much even bottled water has gone up. Not so long ago I was paying maybe $4.00 a case and now it is almost double that unless I can get it on sale. 

I’ve been working on my song that I’m playing at church on July 21st. It is called “Until Then”, by Stuart Hamelin. It is tough getting the lungs and lips reconditioned to do a song. But, I wanted to do one to celebrate turning 80 just to prove to myself that I can still do it. And, without trying to brag —- I think I do a good job. Although I’m a far cry from the trumpet player I once was. It brings back memories of when I was in high school. I had a five piece combo I called The Personalities” and we would play for weddings, bar mitzvas, and high school reunions. There would always seem to be “that old guy” that wanted to play my trumpet to show he “still had it” from his own glory days. And the only song they ever knew was “When the Saints Go Marching In”, and they were always terrible. I don’t want to “be that guy”, so I’m practicing. Maybe I will hang up my horn when I finish this one. 

Time to take my lady do and what we need to do. I pray you have a blessed day. Peace. 

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