Thursday, September 12, 2024

 Thursday, September 12th. It’s 2130 hours and I’m just dropping a note or two before I go to bed. We’ve had a pretty last couple of days. Yesterday our cleaning lady came so Ms. Kate and I decided to go to Nellies for breakfast. After that we decided to just go for a ride and check out the countryside and the status of the local crops. There is a Fish and Wildlife area not too far from us so we headed out that direction. We have traveled throughout that area many times when we were doing a lot of geocaching. Unfortunately we have gotten out of the habit of doing that anymore. It became more than we could do in so many ares. But, it was nice to just drive in what ever direction we wanted to. And we saw that some of the crops are already being brought in. 

Today I spent some time outside working on my azalea bushes. They had gotten so overgrown. It isn’t the right time of the year to trim them because the blooms for next year have already set. But, I went ahead and trimmed off all of the new growth. That shouldn’t hurt the plants at all. The bushes had grown enough to block a good amount of my dining room and kitchen windows. So now, I can see out the front again. There is so much to do out there still. It’s getting to be time to cut off the summer flowers and put down some mulch. The seasons are beginning to change. 

Ms. Kate is doing very well since her doctor changed a little of her medicine this week. Her heart rate has dropped to within a good rate and has stayed that way. We are both thrilled and hope we are on the right path. 

It is supposed to rain tonight and we really need it. That’s it for tonight. Have a blessed weekend if I don’t get back to you. Peace. 

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