Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 Another week has gone by and I’m wondering where it went. But —- here it is Wednesday and the week is half over. 

I started out my week with the most unpleasant of activities; —- prepping for my colonoscopy. That procedure happened Monday afternoon, so needless to say, I was not in a “writing mood” on Monday morning. I’m glad to report that the exam went very well and I’m good to go until my next lube and oil change in 3-5 years, should I live that long. 

Yesterday, was a busy day and Ms. Kate had an appointment so our day got wrapped around that, and I spent the morning dealing with the insurance company and mortgage company via phone. Pardon my language but: &^%%$#@@@!!!!  There, I feel better. Here’s my long story: On April 22nd, we got our insurance company’s settlement check for the storm damage repair. It was a good settlement. However, — and I may have already told you this saga, the check they sent me was made out to me, Ms. Kate, and the mortgage company, because they are still owners of the home until the mortgage is paid off. On May first I called the mortgage company and ask for the process to get their endorsement on the check so I could bank it and pay my contractor that did the repairs. They told me what all they needed, —- I promptly put the package together and sent it to the mortgage company. Allegedly the process should have taken no more than 10 days from the time I sent it to them until I received my money back from them. After waiting 15 days, I called them only to find out that they had not established a file on me, and had no record of having received my check and paperwork. Fortunately, I was talking to someone to was willing to work the issue. She immediately established a file on me and it instantly showed receipt of the check and my paperwork. She said that they will review it and send me my money with 3-6 business days. 

Monday evening I got an email from the mortgage company saying they had enclosed the letters that I had requested. Needless to say that being fresh off of the colonoscopy table, I was in no mood to deal with that, but yesterday morning I called them. The initial person that I talked to said they had no record of having received an anything from me. I bit my lip and asked for a different person. That agent said that they had reviewed the package but they had a question about it and that I needed to send them more information. He had no explanation for the email that I had received. By now, I was extremely frustrated so I called my USAA insurance folks (wonderful people to deal with, by the way) explained the situation and a very lovely lady said she would grab hold of the problem for me, would fax would them the entire file so I could get my money. So ——- now I will wait another week and see what happens. In the meantime, I will ask for forgiveness for all my evil thoughts about certain people and their bureaucratic practices. 

That catches you up to today. I hope you have a wonderful day! Peace. 

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