Monday, May 6, 2024

 Good Monday morning and happy brand new week. It’s a cloudy one with a bit of humidity and currently 70 degrees. Accuweather app says we’ll have showers starting in about twenty minutes and maybe lasting for a half an hour. We had showers last night at some point but I didn’t hear them. 

I was up at 0600 today for no reason other than I couldn’t decide if I wanted my cover on or off of me. I had the ceiling fan on and probably should have just got up and turned it off but instead I got up, turned the coffee pot on, poured myself a cup of coffee and went to the sunporch to watch and listen to the morning birds. It was sprinkling a little and the rain on the sun porch roof s enough to shed me to a very nice sleep in my recliner. 

The Backyard Buffet has been a very busy place all morning. We have young bunnies running around, young squirrels chasing one another all over the yard and up and down the trees. I also have a batch of new wrens that are obviously not too long out of the nest. It has been wonderful to sit there and watch all of the activity; —- Very entertaining. 

Today Kate has the Home Health nurse coming again. I’m sure she is going to want to check the open wound we have been treating and will want to do a Coumadin level check. I think the wound is getting better but I really don’t know. As I told Kate, I’m just the guy with the bandages doing the best that I can. 

Since it is going to be a bad weather day, or I should say “week”, I will get my sermon for the 19th of May written. As is often the case, I “know what I want to say”, now I just have to put it down in writing. Speaking of sermons, I read yesterday that my former parish is set to have a trial sermon by a prospective permanent pastor on the 23rd of June. I am very happy for them. I pray the candidate is right for them. 

So that’s about it for Monday. I hope you have a blessed week, full of God’s blessings. And —- I hope you take time to give thanks for all of the God-given blessings. Peace. 

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