Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 Happy Tuesday. It’s another hot one today with weather alerts for unhealthy air. We’re told that tomorrow it starts to get a lot better. With slightly lower temperatures and the humidity is supposed to drop. That’s a good thing because I have outside work to do. However, I’m not going out and doing yard work or anything else when the “feeels-like” temperature is over 100. 

I don’t have much to write about today except that I don’t think I told you that I have begun a new adventure. I went to a local concert on Sunday evening and their was a trumpet player that did a solo on the flugelhorn. It was absolutely beautiful. The sound was so very mellow and smooth. A flugelhorn is basically a trumpet except the entire horn is flared. That makes it sound at a lower tone than a trumpet  with is basically a long tube that flares only for the last 5-6 inches. Hence, the trumpet sounds much higher and “brassier” (if that is a word) than say the flugelhorn or french horn. Anyway, I was intrigued and decided to get on Amazon and buy one. It should arrive some time next week. Perhaps I wasted $179.00 and perhaps I’ll be a very happy flugelhorn player. We shall see. A person has to take some chances and try new things even at 80 years of age. It keeps you young.  Even if I learn to play it —- so what? Maybe I’ll play a solo at church sometime. Or maybe I’ll just play for my birds. 

Our “big event” for this week is for Kate to have yet another cardioversion and try to shock her heart back into rhythm. Hopefully this one will be the last time she has to do that. She thinks her medicine change is having some positive affects but she needs the shock treatment in conjunction with the medicine change. If this one doesn’t do it, the next thing will be a cardio ablation. She really doesn’t want to have to do that. Nor do I want her to have to go through it. We went to church Sunday and she had to use her rollater to get around because she got week and out of breath. So, once again I’m asking for your prayers. God’s going to do what God’s going to do; His will be done. I just hope we’re all on the same page. 

That’s it for this Tuesday. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay in touch with the God who created you and fills your life with blessings every day. Peace. 

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