Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Happy “mid-week” to you. Yes, it’s Wednesday; “Hump Daaaaay!!” The wether is perfect and I’m going to go out and try to do some years wok here in a little bit. I went out yesterday and did some but unfortunately my work yesterday was cut short because I took a rather hard fall. I was trying to remove a “staub branch” from the ground by kicking it off. Well, I in doing so, I lost my balance and fell backwards, landed on the right side of my back and rolled down the small embankment out on to the driveway. I was lucky enough to not hit my head on the concrete but I had to lay there a few minutes and then try to get myself back up. I almost always carry my phone when I work outside just in case something like that happens, but this time I had not. So, I had to figure out how to get up without help and finally managed to. But — I’m okay. I’m stiff and sore but don’t have any bruises to show for my adventure. I went in the house and sat for a bit while my nerves settled down and then I took a couple of Tylenol and went back out and got on the JD and mowed the front yard. Last night it was tough to find a comfortable sleeping position. Today I’m getting around pretty well. 

I had an appointment to get my toenails trimmed this morning at 10:00. I just can’t do that job by myself and Kate’s beautify shop has a young lady that does that. She did a great job. I really don’t like all of the stuff they do at regular nail salons. Most of the ladies seem to not understand English and even though I try to explain that I don’t want the bottom of my feet touched, they doing it anyway and I am horribly ticklish. So it is not a pleasant experience at all. All I want done is to have the nails trimmed. Anyway, —- I made another appointment for eight weeks from now. 

I got a call from one of my old friends from the late ‘60’s today. He and his wife and a couple of more couples were enroute to Wisconsin for a reunion of the guys that I served with at Clark Air Base, Philippines from 1967-1969. I belong to a small specialized group of Air Force Security Policemen back then and we try to get together every couple of years for a long weekend somewhere. The group is getting smaller and smaller as we all grow older and the health deteriorates among many of us. At 80, I’m the oldest member, I think but several of the guys are in pretty bad shape and several have already passed. When we first started doing these we tried to do them in locations that had a lot of activities and places to go and see. Any more, we look for a hotel that provide enough rooms and is in an area that has some place “of interest” to drive and see if folks want to get out and explore. But mostly we just set and visit and compare medicine lists, and compare surgeries etc! LOL Kate’s health absolutely prohibited us from doing the trip this year, and last time too. 

That’s it for today. Tomorrow we actually have a day without appointments. But — Friday she has two appointments.  Peace, my friends. 

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