Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 No, I’m not dead, and no, I haven’t forgotten how to write.  And no, I haven’t quit blogging; —- I just haven’t taken the time to actually sit down and write something. It’s not that I have been overly busy, —- I well, just didn’t feel like doing it. So I thought today I might catch you up on my boring life. 

We’re still dealing with some wound care for Ms. Kate. It doesn’t amount to a lot. We are basically down to a “large band-aid” type of dressing. She still has a very minor amount of draining but it is enough to be a inconvenience. So we change it once a day. She still has had Home Health visits but I they are going to re-evaluate her need for that on Friday and I suspect they will release her. That is a good thing. 

Since I have last written, our roofing contractor has come and totally finished up the last thing that he needed to do. He has been paid and we can now put the storm totally behind us. I finally got the insurance settlement check back from the mortgage company so I could deposit it. It took them six weeks and countless calls from me to get them to endorse the check and send it back. That was the last thing I had to do with that; so, another stress is gone. 

Saturday we are heading to Frankfort, KY for our vacation. We actually check into the rental estate on Sunday. I think I told you all about the hassles and headaches we had with that project. But it has all worked out and the entire family is excited. Ms. Kate and I have stuff laid out to put in suitcases and I already have stuff in the car. I will relax as soon and I get through the Estate security gate and know that it really is happening. 

Between Ms. Kate’s multiple health issues, a wind storm laying a tree on our home, dealing with cleanup and repairs from the storm, dealing with incompetency at the mortgage company, and dealing with the vacation rental issues: ——- my stress level since February had been off the chart. When I get to the Rental Estate the first thing I am going to do is say a prayer of gratitude to God for keeping me fairly calm and sane through all of this and then I’m going to have a tall cold beer and sit beside the pool and relax, and listen to the glorious voices of my family as they chatter and laugh and share love.  

I will try not to wait so long until my next entry. Peace. 

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