Saturday, August 19, 2023

 Good morning Sunny Saturday. It’s good to see you up and around. Word is that starting tomorrow and going for the next week it is going to be “hotter than blue blazes” as they say. Our weather forecaster say tat every day next wee is going to have a heat index of 105-110. That is brutal. 

Yesterday I got my yard work all done so I won’t have to worry about that next week. No way am I getting out in that kind of heat if I can manage not to. 

Ms. Kate is still sick. We went to the doctor and saw the nurse practitioner, She prescribed some medicine for her diverticulitis but so far it does not seem to have helped. They have ordered upper and lower GI procedures for her. Monday she has an appointment to see the actual doctor so we will see what Dr. Jackson has to say. I feel sorry for her because I know she is miserable but there is nothing I can do to “fix her”. So, I just keep checking on her and bringing her whatever she needs. 

“Bambi”, my small John Deere, is not working AGAIN!!! The dealership is going to come and get it AGAIN on Monday morning. It is not getting and fuel. I don’t know if there a fuel “pump” that is bad or if the gas line is bad or what. I know it isn’t getting any gas to the fuel filter because I can they’ll that. This is the third time this summer that the dealer has had it. It is a good little mower but I have spent a lot of money on it this year for the same problem. It is really frustrating. Thank goodness I have a great backup John Deere.. 

I need to get back down to my office downstairs and get some writing done. Trying to get everything done around here and take care of Ms. Kate has kept me busy and away from my desk. Yes, there were periods when I should have been less lazy but I didn’t get down there. So, today is the day or maybe I’ll set my laptop up and work up here so I can keep an eye on Kate without having to run back and forth up the stair. 

So, you have a great day and don’t forget to go to your house of worship. Peace. 

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