Wednesday, February 16, 2022

 Wednesday, — mid-week already. It’s going to be a warm day around here but lots of wind supposed to come in; gusts up to 45mph today and tomorrow. Tomorrow the rain and storms come in. Of course in our area that could also mean tornadoes and other stuff. So, today I’ll try to get as much done as I can so we can hunker down tomorrow if we need to. The forecast was interesting last night because the forecaster said that along with the wind and other stuff tomorrow and a 60 degree temperature it could end up with a temperature drop and some snow. Welcome to southern Indiana. 

It’s a noisy house this morning. The woodworking guy is here to do whatever he needs to do so that we can move that refrigerator in place. He is having a heck of a time because the cabinets are solid wood. I still thinking when may just have to take the whole bottom out and we lose the use of the cabinet. To me it isn’t a big deal. We took the stuff out of it this morning and I’m sure we initially put that stuff up there at least ten years ago if not twenty. If we put it on a yard sale I bet we could get $10.00 for the lot of it. 

I had lunch yesterday with my buddy Art Christmas. It was the first time I had seen him since he retired\. It was great to catch up. He brought me a couple of copies of a book for my use with parishioners. It is on grief and and dealing with grief. I have a couple of people that I’m going to share them with. 

Since the weather is supposed to be terrible tomorrow I’m going to go to the churches and run my bulletins today. I finished tailoring the bulletin last night and made my slides for the video and got the program sent off to the two organists and to Jacob, the AV guy. I’m doing a sermon of “self-care” this week. It is a really important topic, especially with the COVID pandemic and frustration that has swept the world with that. I’m trying to impress that self-care is not just a modern day term and not just for people who may be struggling mentally with all of this; Self-care is a Biblical issue and we should treat it as such. I hope I get my point across. 

I’m also putting together a Lenten Bible study on the last week in the life of Jesus. I’ll be using the Gospel of Mark, Chapter’s 11-16 as my source. As I tell people, the Gospel of Mark is one of my four favorite Gospels. LOL

That’s it for today. The carpenter is just about done and I gotta go find the check book. Stay safe if you are in the storm zone. Peace. 

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