Thursday, February 17, 2022

 It is 0900 and the world is no brighter than it was at 0630. Rain has settled in for the day and as I said in a Facebook post this morning, it is a “soft patter on the roof, hot cup of coffee, light blanket, recliner kind of morning”. I could add a good book to the mix but I wouldn’t get very far with it and it would only serve to hold my blanket in place. So, I decided to get out of my recliner, pour a second cup of coffee and come jot a few words down in my blog. That is not to say that the recliner won’t win out a bit later. Forecasters say we are going to go through several phases of this rain today to include the possibility of a severe storm some time after noon. It is currently 57 degrees and will drop all the way down to 19 degrees tonight. We are under a flash flood advisory and a wind advisory. It’s just one of those days where we get a little bit of everything. 

We went to the churches yesterday and ran our bulletins for the week. I use to really dislike doing that and it seems that it always took forever to do it. I think the thing now is that I have quit making it harder on myself. I used to run copies of the hymns to put in the large print bulletins so my elderly parishioners would not have to hang on to the hymnals. But now, I don’t really have many elderly parishioners at St. Paul’s and at St. Lucas, we put the hymns up on the screens. At. St. Paul’s, I am the oldest most of the time. 

My carpenter finished up the work he was doing yesterday to trim out the cabinet so the new refrigerator would fit under it. He really worked hard to make that happen. My cabinets are very well made and are solid wood. He was able to not only save the cabinet but you can’t tell that he did anything to change it except that now the refrigerator sides right into place. If I need any more carpentry work done, I’ll certainly call him. This is the third appliance that he has done trim work for for us and everyone of the jobs has been well done. 

I started on my February 27th sermon last night. That is Transfiguration Sunday and for me, —- that is a hard Sunday to write a sermon for. It always takes me extra study and research to find the answers that I am looking for to craft my message. One would thing that after 17 years of writing a sermon for this day that I could write it easily, but the scripture covering the event is only about 15 verses, and holds a lot more questions than answers. Ms. Kate asked why I don’t just choose another topic but this is the Sunday that takes us to Ash Wednesday and the Lenten Season. So, I feel like I have to not shy away from it. The story is in the Bible for a reason, and far too often, I feel like I ignore scriptures because I just can’t seem to draw the meaning out of them. So, I rely on the hope that God will provide the words and I can convey them to others. 

I think that I will quit and go toast a bagel. Have a safe day, have a blessed day. Stay in touch with God and draw your strength from Jesus Christ. Peace. 

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