Saturday, May 22, 2021

 I wrote this morning on Facebook that I have determined that Starlings and Blackbirds are the Hyenas of the aviary world. They are opportunistic, nasty, come in gangs, bully the other birds and each other, and won't leave a feeder until they have stripped it to empty. I have filled the two feeders that they love three times this week and they are empty again. As I have said before, all of the birds absolutely love the "Bark Butter Bit" that I put in those two feeders but the starlings and black birds absolute treat it like crack. I decided that I am going to let them set empty for a bit or maybe put sunflower seed in them. The problem with sunflower seed is that the squirrels will get on them and tear them up. Sigh!! But, if I leave them empty for a few days, maybe the blackbirds will move on. There is a gaggle of at least a dozen that are out there all the time.  Grrrr.

That's my rant for this morning. Now, I'm going to drop off and enjoy my weekend. Hope you have a good one too. 


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