Thursday, May 27, 2021

 A Blessed Thursday morning to you. It’s 68 degrees at my house. It has been raining some although my new fangled weather machine that the kids bought me says that we’ve only had .63 inches of rain in the past twenty four hours. That’s all good because as I said yesterday, we were needing rain. The forecast for the next couple of days though predict more rain and possibly some severe storms. We have a “cold front” moving in and that kind of gives me pause about our outdoor worship service on Sunday. If the temperature is only around 60 degrees, people are not going to want to be sitting out there at 0900. The wind always blows up there because the church sits in the middle of open fields. The high for Sunday is supposed to be 77 degrees and the weather call for nothing but sun, so, by the time people are ready to BBQ at home it will be ideal, but at church time, they won’t want to be out. I guess we will have to make some late decisions. There is a lot of work that goes into setting up the tents and hauling out the key board and speakers and all of the other stuff that goes with getting things prepped and ready. 

Yea for me! I finished up my Father’s Day service and sermon last night and got the worship service done for the 27th. Now I have to write the sermon for the 27th of June and I’ll have June all taken care of. Wow, June 27this one month from today! That means we are 33 days from 2021 being half over. It sure seems to be going a lot faster now that the country is “getting back to some sort of normal”. I sure hope the world gets this danged COVID stuff under control soon. I haven’t heard any real news in the past couple of days but the last I heard was the the country India was terribly in trouble because of COVID and that people were dying by the thousands every day. India is a country that doesn’t bury their dead like we do; they do funeral pyres, i.e. they put their dead on big piles of wood and burn the bodies. The last I saw or heard the reports were that there were funeral pyres everywhere. I con’t imagine the smell and the horror of all of that. 

I think I’m going to go out and cut some flowers and take a bouquet up to my buddy Bob’s house. They are supposed to do surgery on him in the morning to remove his infected eye. Or, —- maybe I’ll just call him and talk to him for awhile. I know he is terribly depressed and has good reason to be. Life is not being very good to him at the moment. He’s worn out from all of this and so is the family from taking care of him. I pray the removal of the eye will bring a halt to the infection and pain that he is having to endure. I would ask you to lift him up. While you are praying, I have four more of my parishioners that have cancer and can certainly use all the prayers we can lift up. You don’t need to know their names, God knows them.  I would just ask for comfort for the members of my parish. 

Well, the sun is out and I think I will go check to see how wet the grass is and whether or not I can maybe mow. More rain and storms are coming later today so as they say, “gotta’ make hay while the sun shines”. Have yourself a blessed day. Peace. 

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