Saturday, March 27, 2021

 God’s just showing off today with this beautiful day. Clear sky, bright blue, going up a marvelous 78 degrees. We put off decorating graves yesterday because we knew today was going to be like this. It will be nice to bask in the sunshine as we decorate everything. However, tonight is calling for some storms again for the overnight hours and then cooler again tomorrow. Gotta love spring weather. 

My North Carolina family is in our thoughts today. They are holding the funeral for Gary’s mom. It will be a simple graveside only affair which is what she would want even without COVID restrictions in place. The church is preparing food to take over to the house for after the funeral. Lisa expects about 15 people to be at their house after the funeral. That’s about normal for her to have for a meal. Gary only has one sister and she has three sons, only two of which will be there. The other lives in New York and won’t be traveling. Lisa has the two kids and each has a significant other. Her daughter, Amanda lives down on the coast and her son, Matt, currently lives with them but has just punched a home that he will be moving in to. My grandkids are all grown adults now. Heather’s two, Lauren and Jon are renting a place together there in Southern California, and Josh, Julie’s son has been living with his fiancée’ for years now. 

I finished up my April 11th sermon yesterday so now I can take a couple of days off and relax. Od course I won’t —- but I could. I did spend some time reading last night. It is a really good book. I think it is called “Essays on the Existence of God.” I want to get it read and then give it to Julie Wallis to read and see if she thinks we could do a book study with it. We proposed doing a book study on the “Screwtape Letters” but could not generate any interest. I think people were just too afraid to get out in a small group like that. We’ll see what happens with this one. If no one else wants to read it and discuss it — I’ve lost nothing and had still had a good read. 

Hey, my potatoes are coming up, the radishes are up and need to be thinned and the lettuce is starting to come up. The peonies have some big buds on a couple of them and of course —- the dandelions are popping out. I do love spring. 

Time to go put on the blue jeans and get ready to go to the cemeteries. You have yourself a marvelous Palm Sunday weekend. God loves you —- and so do I. Peace. 

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