Thursday, March 25, 2021

 It is just the opposite of yesterday for my weather report this morning. It is 58 degree, and raining and not going to climb too much higher today. This afternoon we need to hunker down because we are expecting severe thunderstorms. U just watched my Accuweather report and this storm is massive and will be dangerous across the nation. They said that 50 million people are in the danger zone. Here in Evansville, we will just get a tiny portion of it as it moves north and east. But, we could still get some wind damage and possibly a tornado. I need to go out and take my colors down again. I just put them back up yesterday afternoon from Tuesday’s heavy winds and storm threat. Our forecaster said that what we don’t want to see today is the sun because that will make thee air even more unstable. (Man, I sound like I actually know what I’m talking about.)

We went to the churches yesterday to run the bulletins. Actually I went twice. I had forgotten the keys to St. Paul’s. I ran all of the regular bulletins for the services but I have to run the large print bulletins at St. Paul’s because the copier at St. Lucas can’t print large print bulletins. The top of it isn’t big enough to handle 11X17 paper. And that doesn’t even make sense because it has a setting to enlarge, I think that we are missing a key step somewhere but they have had that machine for three years and haven’t figured it out. But, last evening since there wasn’t anything on TV that I wanted to watch, I went back up and ran the large print bulletins for the three services. Next week I’ll go run the bulletins for the late Easter Sunday services. 

Today, since it is a rainy gloomy and stormy day, I plan to head down to my office and write my sermon for April 11th. I put the service together for it last night because there still wasn’t anything on TV that was worth watching. I thought about starting on the new book I bought but that seemed like a not particular good use of idle time. So, I got a little bit of work done. 

The buffet looks closed today, no birds around to speak of. I spent a couple of hours out there in the sunroom but my guests were sparse. I guess they are hunkered down from the rain too. I didn’t think weather bothered them much. 

I had another long talk with youngest daughter, Lisa this morning. She is still dealing with stuff from her north-in-law’s passing. The funeral will be Saturday morning and will be a graveside service only. Lisa is suffering from a major pinched nerve in her upper back and is having a really tough time of it. I know, and she does too, that while there is certainly a physical problem there, much of her problem is caused by stress. She has a high stress job with a lot of responsibility for people, and then she and her husband own a auto repair garage that is extremely busy. When she isn’t at her job at the hospital, she is at the shop taking care of business stuff. She was going to start working on her Doctorate this spring but it didn’t take long for her to figure out that it was way more than she needed to add to her plate. So, the girl doesn’t give herself any breaks and when she does things like pinch a nerve, it is exaggerated by all of the rest of her life. All three of my daughter are “Type-A” personalities and work-a-holics. They get it from me but I hope they don’t take as long as I did to learn to relax. Here I am, going on 77 years old and don’t know when to quit. I guess it is what keeps me going.

Speaking of work, I better get down stairs and get started. You have your self a blessed day. Peace. 

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