Saturday, December 12, 2020

 Welcome to Saturday and the actual “Week end”. It is currently sunny and 56 degrees but all of that is going to change. We are expecting a little more rain this afternoon and then the temperature will begin to drop. The clouds are already gathering in the west. I have a couple of feeders to fill and if I am going to fill them, I better not wait too long. 

I was debating with myself this morning whether to get on the bake and ride. I did five and a hal miles yesterday and am trying ride at least every other day. But I got a message from Jacob, our audio/video technician that he had finished putting this weeks service together and had posted it on You Tube. So I sat my IPad on the bike and climbed on and did a four mile ride while the service was playing. As always, he did an excellent job, as did Ms. Brenda on the keyboard and Ms. Ruth as my liturgist. We are so very lucky to have the capability to do this and very lucky to have Jacob with a real interest in technology and social media. Were it not for him, our Parish would be shuttered until the pandemic is over. We have a couple of more weeks before the end of the year and I’m praying the spread rate and the death rate will fall dramatically so we can go back to in-person worship. The virtual service is still wonderful but there is just a whole different feeling when we can worship in-person. Some churches still do, including my home church, Zoar. But they are really taking a chance currently, although they are taking all of the precautions possible.

Ms. Kate and I have several “little chores” to get done today. We need to move her card making stuff back into her office and then do some spot cleaning on the carpet and run the Roomba through the house. I need to make another quick run to the grocery store and pick up some Miracle Whip so Ms. Kate can make some more tuna salad. It was on my list yesterday when I went but while my eyes read Miracle Whip, my brain read Cool Whip and I picked up two containers of that. Getting old ain’t for sissies. So, another trip to the grocery store. I also think I’ll stop and get a haircut while I’m out. I’m getting shaggy around the ears. 

I hope you will take time to stop tomorrow and give God thanks for another week. Heck, don’t wait, do it today. Peace. 

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