Monday, December 28, 2020

 Hello Monday morning. What’s going on in the world on this Monday morning? I’ve been sitting here reading Facebook posts. There are lots of pictures of Christmas trees and people in their family matching pajamas. There are way too many political comment posts and conspiracy theory posts. There are a lot of religious posts by people who insists that Jesus is coming back today and most of us will end up in hell. But what I don’t see is a lot of “happy- posts”. I don’t know what that actually means but I don’t see a lot of posts saying or showing pictures of people who just seem to be happy with life. Does that make sense? The political and religious posts all ring of “worry and fear”. Perhaps they were written by people who are sincere in their concerns but who knows. Mostly they are passed on by people who just hit “Like” because something might resonate with them. I’m certainly guilty of that. I have actually considered taking a week or two and staying off of Facebook altogether —- but, nah, ain’t gonna happen. I’m as addicted to it as anyone else. Grabbing my IPad is the first thing I do in the morning as I walk to turn on the coffee pot. “In the old days”, people would have grabbed their newspaper. 

I didn’t get to see my parishioner yesterday either like I had planned. He had had a bad night and Hospice had to come and give him some medication, that made him sleepy and he really wasn’t in a condition to visit. I’ll call this afternoon and try again. If I don’t get to see him, at least he knows that I am thinking about him and am praying for him. 

It is 35 degrees and cloudy this morning. I still have not filled the feeders and the starlings are not happy with me. I’ve had a lot of cardinals here this morning because my safflower feeder is still plenty full and that is what they like. But I guess I need to put a coat on and go out and fill the others today too. The squirrels have been to the sunflower seed feeders an found them empty and then they turn and look at the house to make me feel guilty. It only works a little bit. I see a lot of junkos out there this morning. They are ground feeders and do a good job of cleaning up after the starlings. My only concern with Junkos is hat they usually show up right before snow. Hmmmmm. 

That’s it for today. I hope you have a great week and can end up 2020 with good health and happy thoughts. Then step on across the line and walk into a whole new year of opportunities to do something good for your fellow man. Peace. 

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