Friday, October 6, 2023

 Friday, Oct. 6th —- which means that next Friday is Friday the 13th!!!

It’s been another one of those days for our family. We got notified by middle daughter Heather that her hubby, John, had a mild stroke last night. Kate and I were just vacationing with them a week ago. What in the world. What is amazing is those two are the most health conscientious people in the family. They eat well and they exercise well. He rides 100 mile bicycle trips in the Idaho mountains and Grand Tetons. One never knows what life is going to bring. The really good news is that they caught it early in the process and got treatment for him to start dissolving the clot. I just heard from her a few minutes ago and they had him in for a MRI. She said he is doing well so far and his most notable complaint was some messed up vision in his left eye. So, my friends, please add John to your list of prayers. 

Today started with Kate going to the beauty shop to have her hair trimmed and fixed. She was going to cancel they appointment but I talked her out of that. I felt that as bad as she has felt, she needed something to make her feel a little better. From there, we went to the churches and got things ready for Sunday services. Then came back to Evansville, went to Walgreens to pick up medicine for Kate and then to the bank to deposit some checks. Now we are home and have taken a snippet of a nap. 

Yesterday I wrote my sermon for Oct 22nd and got the bulletin prepared for Oct 29th. This month has just begun and I’m already prepping for the next month. I will say it again, —— it will be really strange to not have this stuff to do come January. I’m still not sure how I will fill my time. But I don’t intend to just sit on my butt and do nothing. 

The West Side Fall Festival is going on and Kate and I will miss it once again. It all ends as of tomorrow night. Tonight there will be thousands and thousands of people down there just walking around and finding their favorite Fall Festival food. There are people that literally take a weeks vacation during this annual event and have every meal at the festival. This the second largest street festival in the country, second only to Mardi Gras. They expect over 200,000 people to attend this week. There was a day that it was so much fun to be there in the mix. But I was a teenager in those days. I sole contribution is to but $20.00 worth of “Half-pot” tickets. Last night the half-pot reached over $1,000,000.00. I’d be glad to share that with them. LOL

That’s it for this Friday. Have a blessed weekend. uncle up, it’s gong to be. Chilly weekend. Peace. 

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