Tuesday, September 5, 2023

 As I recall, the weather prediction for today was for more clouds than sun and so far it has been true. I saw the sun pop out for a few seconds a bit ago but it quickly was shrouded once again. 

How was your Labor Day? Did you take time to enjoy it or did you just spend a day catching up on things you needed to get done. We had a relaxing day around here. I did water the garden, pick the tomatoes, clean the bird baths. I also threw some hotdogs on the grill, but that was about it. I was going to do some writing but decided against it. Instead I watched a wonderful historical documentary series on the History Channel last night. I think it is called Empires. Last night was the first one and it was on Alexander the Great. Alexander is arguably the greatest warrior leader in history. His tactics were new to the battle field of the day and he expanded a small kingdom to an empire larger than the Roman Empire ever achieved. And he did it in fourteen years. Unfortunately he lost sight of himself and who he was and his goal. He died at age 32 without naming a successor and the result was that everything he had established at the cost of a great many lives came apart. Tonight I think we are watching Cleopatra and the empire she established. I do lead an exciting life, don’t I? 

I need to get out my weed eater today and do some trimming  around the flowerbeds and then maybe mow my yard. I have been waiting on the delivery of a new “head” to go on my Worx weed eater. It will be a much more heavy duty thing and will cut through heavier stuff including all of the darn saplings that constantly grow in my flowerbeds. It is supposed to be delivered any day now. I just hope it works. 

So, that’s my only news for today. I hope you have a great first full week of September. Peace. 

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